Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reception Theory

Q1) Preferred reading is when the producer  what the media product to be interpreted in a certain way

Q2) Opposition reading is when the producer intends the product to be something else but the audience interprets it to be something else

Q3) The teenagers  is meant to be inferred by the audience as aggressive and ill-mannered

Q4) Young people might reject this interpretation of aggressive because all of the youth society are not ill-mannered and the small minority of aggressive have had a difficult upbringing 

Q5) The preferred reading for the MacDonald's advert its that their food is innovative as it is a sandwich and a burger at the same time.Also MacDonald's want the audience to know what the sandwich is made out of and why it is so special.I addition MacDonald's made the burger look better than it actually is to create more of an atmosphere for the burger  

Q5)The negotiated reading is that the audience might notice the innovation of MacDonald's but say that it can't be both sandwich and a burger.Also the slogan 'A meal disguised as a sandwich' might be used to lure the audience.

Q5)The opposition reading for the MacDonald's is saying the  advert is spreading false rumours as no such thing as a burger meal that can be disguised as a sandwich.And the burger doesn't not actually look that good in real life because the better the burger looks the more people that buy it   

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