WWW: Your Photoshop fruit bowl is excellent but otherwise
I’m afraid there is not a lot to credit here. We need to use this as a wake-up
call and start to put things right.
EBI: Firstly, you are STILL missing the Key Concepts film
poster analysis despite repeated promises and your denotation and connotation
analysis is unfinished. This shows a very concerning lack of organisation and
care. In addition, I have serious concerns about your written work. Read the
2) What knowledge
and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
the skill i wanna learn are phototshop
3) What grade are you realistically
hoping to achieve in Media?
7 to 9
Are you seriously suggesting that a 7-9 top grade student
writes ‘the skill i wanna
learn are phototshop’. You simply need to have higher standards than this.
Treat your blog as you would an exercise book – this means
correct titles, using capital letters and writing in full, grammatically
correct sentences. Secondly, you need to write in MUCH more depth and detail –
pretty much every question you have answered so far is a single sentence. You
need to seriously focus on this side of the course or you will find that you
underachieve despite your technical skills.
LR: Complete the missing work urgently (you will have time
to do this in Media detention). Reflect on your first month of Media. What do
you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What
specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the
course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?
my first month of media has been very shaky due to the lack of homework and that is what to improve on